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  1. Speed the response...i get tired of watching the twirling snowman and clicking between additional webpages  ·  completed

  2. Provide notification/burst/highlight when quarterly and annual data updates have occurred and are available in the SSG.

  3. Add the ability to remove Pre-tax Profit Margin data (outliers) in the Preferred Procedure window.

  4. Notify SSG User of new quarterly stock data availability upon opening SSG

  5. Include a direct link to member sentiment data from judgment pop up.

  6. On the Research , Analysts Estimates, since Zacks supplies the data to NASDAQ can the NASDAQ entry be labeled to indicate that?

  7. Add the ability to enter old data to recreate an older SSG study  ·  declined

  8. Either allow mass update of all SSGs or clearly flag outdated data in file.  ·  completed

  9. I want to see the ACE numbers, S&E, for the next two years as points on the SSG as well as the ability to add data out to year five.  ·  completed

  10. Need to be able to hard-copy print all SSGPlus screens (including the qtly data page and the various company comparison pages

  11. Make the data date show the quarter and year on the SSG yr over yr Qtr report like Toolkit used to do. Ex: 4th Qtr 2019

  12. Refresh Buttons: Difference between "Refreshing All Studies/Portfolios" and "Refreshing Individual Studies"

  13. save the state of the sorting in the portfolio list in the manage app

  14. PEERs

  15. Add the ability to import an ITK file to SSGPlus  ·  completed

  16. Redesign look and feel to respond to screen size

  17. Increase the font size

  18. Show the 52 week high and low prices on the main SSG graph  ·  completed

  19. Allow the user to update their study from within the study display  ·  completed

  20. Why does earnings & EPS shown on SSG not jive up with Etrade and other publications  ·  completed

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