Make labels more descriptive
It would be helpful if some of the labels were updated to make them more descriptive, so we don't have to guess or reverse engineer the numbers to figure them out.
For example: in the Fundamental Company Data section, user has no way of knowing just by looking at the table if the column labeled "Forecast (%)" is an annual forecast or is it the forecast for 5 years in total?
In section 3, it says "High this year" and "Low this year". Does that mean the calendar year, or is it a TTM time period? (plus it would be nice if mm/dd/yyyy were available as a mouseover).
Also, any column labeled "Growth (%) - user can't easily tell if that means an annual growth percentage (that will get compounded) or a growth rate from the initial data point to the last data point, or something else?
Footnote somewhere on both pages to indicate if data values are in $US or $Canadian.
These are just a few examples. If there are space considerations, then a mouseover with an explanation would be good too.
Anonymous commented
If it is a matter of fitting the info in the column - consider using mouse-over popups to add more detailed info.