Stock Selection Guide Tools
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Submit and Vote on Ideas for SSGPlus, CoreSSG and Stock Comparison Guide Apps
67 results found
Sort for Studies Section Default
Every time I open My Studies, the Studies section sort default is "Price Date". It would be great if the default is selectable, last sort, or sorted by Name instead.
3 votes -
1 vote
Post earnings release dates and link to the release.
Post an alert to the SSG of an earnings release to active positions in an SSG portfolio. It is similar in concept to MyIClub's posting of dividend info and dates on its calendar.
14 votes -
Add the ability to upload a PDF to the study
Add the ability to upload a PDF of research to the study and then make it available to send to others.
0 votes -
All Studies Reports Function
I would like a Reports Function (icon) to be added to the "All Studies" list.
I use "All Studies" as my Watch List. Instead of creating a Watch List and adding each new stock from my "All Studies" list, I would like to select the reports function (icon) to display all reports on these stocks.
6 votes -
"Quarterly Data" graphs: Add a "most recent 3 years" option.
"Quarterly Data" graphs: add a "most recent 3 years" option. This is especially important for fast growing, small companies. The first 2 high-performing years often skew the graph, making the recent years graph line appear almost flat. We always look at the pink Trailing 4 Quarters, Pre-Tax Profit % Change. Having a 3 year option would help us to visually see the recent change.
2 votes -
Add CNBC to Research/Analyst Estimates
Add CNBC since the site gives a 3-5 yr EPS growth estimate, and a comparison to peers, industry, and the S&P500. This information is lacking on most of the research websites.
3 votes -
Change Peer Averages to Average Only Chosen Peers
Currently the peer averages are calculated from all companies in the same industry of a similar size. This change would average data from just the 3 chosen peers.
0 votes -
Make columns selectable in portfolio summary report
allow user to add/hide columns in the portfolio summary report and have them saved by user or (ideally) by portfolio
1 vote -
Show suggestions for peers
When picking a peer, show suggestions from a list of companies in the same industry and of the same 'size'.
0 votes -
Ask to auto complete an SSG like Toolkit
This would also help when quickly building a portfolio and to know if a company is viable.
1 vote -
Allow SSG to be created where a ticker is not included in the data feed or from manual data
I am researching an ADR of a company, which trades OTC. (ex: DKILY, Daikin Industries, a $53B market cap company) I am unable to start an SSG in this company, as the ticker is not found in the data.
I think there should be a "manual mode" for the SSG, which would be useful not only for OTC companies, but also companies listed on foreign exchanges. It could also be useful as a learning tool, to find and populate the data, in order to become familiar with their meaning and source.
7 votes -
When making manual changes to data change the color of the changed data so it can be quickly recognizes as changed
We can tell the data is changed by the checkmark but we do not know which data in the qtr or year has been changed. If the color of the data was another color one could tell at a glance which data point had been changed without digging back through the notes.
1 vote -
Have a pop-up dialog box on the Notes 'Delete Note' button that asks "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THIS NOTE?"
Have a pop-up dialog box on the Notes 'Delete Note' button that asks "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THIS NOTE?"
4 votes -
Make the data date show the quarter and year on the SSG yr over yr Qtr report like Toolkit used to do. Ex: 4th Qtr 2019
Currrently the Quarterly info box says for example MSFT FY 2020 Qtr ending (06/20). I think this would be the 4th quarter for them since their fiscal year ends in June. So is this 4th 2020 & they are already starting 2021?
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3 votes
Report Request: Add Buy price to satisfy US/DS
Report Request: I’d like to request that you add the following SSG stock report value to your existing SSG Report:
Buy price to satisfy US/DS of
3 to 1 and 15% total return:Currently I manually enter this value into the same spreadsheet that I import the available report.
6 votes -
Redesign look and feel to respond to screen size
Redesign all pages of all tools to respond to the screen size (responsive design). Large screens can see more content and content is still functional and viewable on mobile.
5 votes -
Modernize the look and feel of all of the Online Tools
Make the tools design more closely resemble the BI website in look, feel, colors and modern web design.
0 votes -
15 votes
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