Add a Stock Wish List - A list of Stocks to look further into
It would be great to:
0) Create a further review stock list
1) That list could be a portfolio but stocks in a portfolios require that an SSG has been done. Perhaps The Wish List is better in another new list.
2) Have a check box in the search tool to add a stock to the further review list.
3) Enter a table of stocks (from a comma separated text list) that have been found outside of the SSG into the further review list
4) Add a quick preview Data for like one in the stock screen search list.
I believe that the easiest way to deal with a wish list of stocks to do further review on is to add a save/restore function to the stock screen.
If the file format of the save file is simple i.e. just a comma separated value of the stocks in the list then this list could be edited outside the tool and allow imported lists from outside the SSG.