Allow SSG to be created where a ticker is not included in the data feed or from manual data
I am researching an ADR of a company, which trades OTC. (ex: DKILY, Daikin Industries, a $53B market cap company) I am unable to start an SSG in this company, as the ticker is not found in the data.
I think there should be a "manual mode" for the SSG, which would be useful not only for OTC companies, but also companies listed on foreign exchanges. It could also be useful as a learning tool, to find and populate the data, in order to become familiar with their meaning and source.

Michael Hayes commented
There is a manual mode already. Just open any existing SSG; go to the annual and quarterly data and replace all fields with data from OTC company. Problem solved!
SteveC commented
This is kind of like entering the data in the old days by pencil and paper! Entering the data little by little helped me gain a LOT of understanding. Plus, then I REALLY, REALLY appreciated all the work the SSG tools do FOR me!