When adding a stock to a portfolio allow a "Lot" structure so a cost/share can be added allowing for gain/loss reporting throughout
Rather than having to maintain protfolios in mutliple tools, it would be nice if we could have costs per share captured via a "Lot" structure so multiple buys would be accurate and an Avg Cost per share shown.
With this data now captured you would be able to show the pertormance of a portfolio via gain/lose which is something needed when looking to defend a stock or sell and add something else taking the Capital gains hit into consideration.
Currently we can get this in Club accounting or you use yahoo finance portfolio. It would be nice to have this all in one place during the analytical process.

Currently, the Online Tools are not architected for transactional accounting, which includes buy/sell dates and lot tracking. We may consider adding this to our long-term tools roadmap, but this would be a 100% overhaul of the Online Tools portfolio structure.