Member Sentiment
Sentiment includes multiple files from same member doing "what if" stuff, not reflecting actual opinion on judgments. Also need to add judgments on PTPM, taxes and # shares. Suggest adding button for analyst to "post" her/his "best and final" SSG for inclusion into the Member Sentiment. Default being not included.

At this time we are inclined to have the feature reflect as much data as possible. We feel if the studies were not included by default then there would be too much friction to get the user to include it in member sentiment. In March 2023 we added capability to automatically remove outliers which we feel will help the user interpret the data.
Liz Peterson commented
Member Sentiment is a nice tool in theory, but it is not very useful in practice when you have multiple outlandish values skewing the member averages. I understand playing around with the SSG, but some of these are beyond extreme. For example, Shopify (SHOP) has one MS's estimated high price $1,403,750.06. I doubt very much that even an aggressively optimistic forecast should result in a high price over $1mil. Also there appear to be several repeats of the same study with the exact same figures done over the same day. I understand doing group studies and having repeats, etc. but when you have 17 MS's all estimating the high price to be $162,005.53 then you are unnaturally skewing the averages. Maybe there can be a cap somewhere to eliminate obvious multiple studies or unrealistic numbers. This is being presented as a tool for inexperienced users to compare their judgements with the group's and while I think that's a very helpful resource I don't think it's going to benefit anyone when it shows weird numbers that an inexperienced user may not be savvy enough to realize at first glance.
Dave Bur commented
Do you mean something like ?