Provide capability for clubs to share their SSGs via a club portfolio that all club members can access.
Two issues: (1) access by all club members (with SSGPlus subscription) to access club's portfolio and (2) individuals in multiple clubs being able to access one single SSG but in multiple, club-designated portfolios.

This item is now in the active planning/architecture stage. There are many use cases for how this could be implemented and, once we launch the first use case, we anticipate functionality to be added for other use cases over time.
Beny commented
For this case, our club performs monthly a workaround until this feature is available. One club member receives from its members their itk files and imports it into a club portfolio, adds share information, and generates the summary, PERT, and diversification reports for review at each meeting. The process requires to delete all the previous month's imported itk files and import the new itk files.
I use the Microsoft app Snip and Sketch to capture each report window and place it in a Word document, provide additional info and notes, and then generate the pdf file.
Mark C Mechenbier commented
This would be so helpful when reviewing the club's portfolio. Excellent idea!
Hany commented
When a club wants to do a portfolio review and compare various holdings using the Stock Comparison Guide it would be helpful to have all SSGs that were completed by various members in one place to facilitate that process.
Liz Peterson commented
I would suggest a share function similar to sharing an SSG but for the entire portfolio.
With this function, though, there needs to be some identifying tag on the main 'portfolio & studies' page so you can tell at a glance if an SSG/portfolio is your own or one you uploaded from someone else.
Michael Milch commented
Shared portfolios must (1) as a member of a group be able to share SSGs between other members so that we can create, read, update and delete studies that are being worked on by the group without file sharing and transporting.
Anonymous commented
Many of our club members do not use Toolkit but we maintain our portfolio with Toolkit. It would be very helpful to be able to the privileges stated in this suggestion.
Anonymous commented
We use a Portfolio Manager (PM) and he/she is in charge of the "officlal" portfolio. Only the PM should be allowed to make changes to the portfolio. Individual members and stockwatchers can maintain their own versions of the SSG's. If all club members were allowed to access and change the club SSG's I would be very worried about unauthorized changes being made without club approval.