Add to portfolio tools the Portfolio Report Card similar to TK6's report
To properly perform portfolio management analysis we need to get portfolio level statistics on TR, PAR, U/D and RV. With that data we can compare individual holds to see which ones are leading the portfolio and which ones are dragging it down. Without the capability the serious portfolio analyst must create a separate spreadsheet, add the company SSG data then aggregate for the portfolio at large.

Bob Mann commented
My suggestion, not know this was already here:
A new portfolio report, Judgment Summary, showing for every company in a portfolio:
Company Name
Forecast Sales
Forecast EPS
Forecasted High Price (from 4A)
Forecasted Low Price (from 4B)
Upside Downside Raio (from 4D)
Projected Average Return (color Green if > 13%, Red if < 5%)
U/D Ratio (color Green if between 3:1 and 10:1, Red if < 1:1)
Relative Value or Projected Relative Value (Green if between 85 and 105, Red if >= 150)
Action (Buy, in green if three greens; Sell, in Red if three reds)