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  1. Show Removed Outlier Data Point(s) on Graph

  2. Allowing locking of data on an SSG.  ·  completed

  3. When making manual changes to data change the color of the changed data so it can be quickly recognizes as changed

  4. Ability to add future years of fundamental data  ·  completed

  5. Timely Stock price data feed

  6. Add the ability to add Quarterly & Annual data for companies where manual data entry is necessary (Add a Quarter - not just Edit)  ·  completed

  7. Allow SSG to be created where a ticker is not included in the data feed or from manual data

  8. Print the Quarterly Data Report  ·  completed

  9. Add ability to create personal data backup for portfolios

  10. Add the ability to import portfolio data from Folio Investing portfolios

  11. "Quarterly Data" graphs: Add a "most recent 3 years" option.

  12. Export PERT or Portfolio data in CSV or Excel or Numbers format.

  13. Add an analyst estimate data panel to the 'Analyze Growth and Quality' page  ·  completed

  14. Include more data on Stock Comparison Guide Report

  15. Allow changing the data in the estimated EPS column on the PERT form.

  16. Add labels 'R','S','T' to quarterly data columns

  17. Add the capability to be alerted/emailed when new data for saved SSG's is available

  18. SSG Printouts Should Mirror the Data Series and Time Periods the User Selected in SSG Plus  ·  started

  19. Add the "red line" to show current price in the Data Preview feature of the Screener.  ·  completed

  20. Provide notification/burst/highlight when quarterly and annual data updates have occurred and are available in the SSG.

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