Show Removed Outlier Data Point(s) on Graph
Allowing locking of data on an SSG. · completed
When making manual changes to data change the color of the changed data so it can be quickly recognizes as changed
Ability to add future years of fundamental data · completed
Timely Stock price data feed
Allow SSG to be created where a ticker is not included in the data feed or from manual data
Print the Quarterly Data Report · completed
Add the ability to add Quarterly & Annual data for companies where manual data entry is necessary (Add a Quarter - not just Edit) · completed
Add ability to create personal data backup for portfolios
Add the ability to import portfolio data from Folio Investing portfolios
"Quarterly Data" graphs: Add a "most recent 3 years" option.
Export PERT or Portfolio data in CSV or Excel or Numbers format. · completed
Add an analyst estimate data panel to the 'Analyze Growth and Quality' page · completed
Include more data on Stock Comparison Guide Report
Allow changing the data in the estimated EPS column on the PERT form.
Allow data from the PERT report to be a CSV file for user manipulation.
Add labels 'R','S','T' to quarterly data columns
Add the capability to be alerted/emailed when new data for saved SSG's is available
SSG Printouts Should Mirror the Data Series and Time Periods the User Selected in SSG Plus · started
Add the "red line" to show current price in the Data Preview feature of the Screener. · completed