Refresh Buttons: Difference between "Refreshing All Studies/Portfolios" and "Refreshing Individual Studies"
When the user Refreshes "All Studies" or "Portfolios", locked data is not touched.
However, when the user Refreshes "Individual Studies" there are two "Overwrite" options and one "Create A Copy" button.
Is it correct to assume that "Overwrite" means Overwrite....including eliminating/overwriting the Locked data?
And, when choosing the "Create a Copy", doesn't that also overwrite locked data, update the data.... and create a copy?
Also: Date Modified column: Gives the date that the user Refreshed either the price or price and data. How can the user tell which companies fundamental data were refreshed? Not all companies release quarterly data on the same day. There is no way of the user knowing when fundamental data has been updated. There is no differentiation (in the Modified column) notated when the user updates price and fundamental data.
And, wouldn't it be nice to know whether the updated fundamental data was for: 1st Qrt or 2nd Qrt, etc?