Company search add checkbox
I’m looking at the Company Search section (via Core/Plus SSG), and I wish there was a checkbox or something on each stock when I’m going thru the Data Preview popup, for selecting out items I might be interested in looking further into - narrowing the list, as it were.
Yes, I can write down the ticker of each interesting stock, but if I could checkbox each one, and then only Company Search look at those, and refine the list further (by unchecking some), would sure be helpful.
Not sure how persistent I would want the checkboxes to be, wouldn’t want them to disappear just cuz I looked at a different screen. Perhaps till I closed the whole BI set of screens? When I reset criteria? Don’t know if I’d want to be able to save them, or be able to ‘name’ the list???

Debbie B commented
Thank you for accepting this idea.
I like what you did with the suggestion, it works well.
I like that my filtered list persists.
You can now close it as completed - take credit for finishing it ;-)