Add the capability to import SSG studies that have been sent by another club member.
The SSGPlus does not have the capability to import SSG studies that have been sent by another club member. You can export your files so others can view your stock studies, but the SSGPlus does not have the ability to import studies from others. The import capability should gohand-in-hand with the export capability.

The ability to import ITK files from a Toolkit user was implemented with our last major update that was released in September 2015. This feature is available from the ‘My Studies’ section of the app.
Lloyd Kvam commented
They can also share copies from one person's SSG Folder to another's. As best I can tell, the goals of this proposal have been met.
Lloyd Kvam commented
You can now export .itk (TK6 files). There is a button to IMPORT TK6 files. So club members can FINALLY share their SSGs and produce useful SSG comparisons for a club meeting.
Anonymous commented
Very desirable and would allow club members to assemble the club portfolio in the absence of the capability to export the complete portfolio to members.
Mike Torbenson commented
If you want to make this product more compelling than TK6, consider adding dynamically linked studies. One or more club members creates a club portfolio and links studies from club stock watchers. When the PERT is generated, it includes the latest version of each SSG.
Anonymous commented
Please add the ability to import completed studies from ToolKit , thus saving much time in recreating completed studies, and increasing the likelihood of continuing to support this program. Thanks
Roy Chastain commented
Having the ability to share SSGPlus studies helps to foster use of the on-line tools by investment clubs, the heart and soul of the BI community.
Michael Milch commented
I do believe that if the function "Provide capability for clubs to share their SSGs via a club portfolio that all club members can access." was provided then the need to load SSG data (e.g., .ssg, itk, etc.) would be mitigated. I do believe there is a need to load data files, however the sharing & updating information (SSG data and its related PERT reports) directly to a portfolio grouping would lessen this need.
Bob Branson commented
The inability of SSG+ to import .SSG & .ITK files is failure to recognize the power of collaboration, crowdsourcing, tutelage, mentoring and other fundamental BetterInvesting and Investment Club tenants. The more i try to sell myself on SSG+, the more i am frustrated with its slowness to load & refresh. it's tedious to attempt to help Newbies when sharing is virtually impossible except with PDF files. From one mouth, BI preaches collaboration & sharing, but SSG+ thwarts sharing. I strongly recommend BI do what's necessary to Import .SSG & .ITK files to Plus and speed up the servers. Such positive action will draw membership to BI
Tom Loftus commented
You should be able to upload SSGs you can export. does not provide a lot of utility to only be able to view .pdf
Eddie Patton commented
I'd also like it to import SSG studies completed by Toolkit6