Add "Prices current as of xx/xx/xx" to top of section 3
At the top of Section 3, there is plenty of room on the top line that displays the stock prices. How about adding "Prices current as of: xx/xx/xx". When working on an older study, the original date is shown in the title bar, so it's not necessarily clear that the prices displayed at the top of section 3 are more current than the Study Name/Date.

Thanks for the suggestion!
The price date is shown next to the current price.
Herb Barnett commented
In a recent club meeting, a member was presenting a new study on a stock. I pulled up my earlier study on my laptop, and the U/D and TR were different from his. His study had the current price, mine still calculated based on the price from when I had done my study.
It seems that there are two options here: either automatically update the price whenever an older study is recalled from the library and include a note in section 3 "Price has been updated", or leave the earlier study intact but show a warning notation that the price is not current, and include an "Update Price" option in Section 3, not buried in the File/Update Company Data menu selection.