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115 results found

  1. Allow PERT Total Return Option

    Give the user the option to select either High P/E or Average P/E option for viewing or printing a PERT report.

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  2. Notes Default Settings

    With the new notes feature the Staff and Community notes defaults to being on. I recommend that the default be changed to "off" or allow user to set global defaults to their preference. The community notes are often inane and useless.

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  3. Instead of using the estimated future high PE, using the estimated future average PE would provide a more realistic expected total return

    Our club uses the expected average PE and resulting return in deciding on whether to buy . It would be helpful to continue noting that in a form comparing all stock owned.

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  4. Add Feature to Portfolio Reports Screen: show the "Buy price to satisfy US/DS of 3 to 1 and 15% total return" shown in each SSG Plus study

    Could you add another column to the portfolio Reports screen that shows the following SSG Results Summary item called: "Buy price to satisfy US/DS of 3 to 1 and 15% total return:" This is generated on each SSG Result Summary table in part 5 of each SSG. You currently only show the "Buy Below" and "Sell Above" price in the Reports screen but it would be nice to know the 15% price of all the stocks shown in the portfolio reports screen. I would basically be using it as my pounce list or know when a current holding is at…

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  5. Change color of numerical data in Q & A data when changed by user.

    We have the option of changing the quarterly and annual data when unusual circumstances exist. The checkmark in the last column notes that some data has been changed but does not note which data has been changed.

    If the color of the data was changed to reflect that the data had been changed this would be quick and easy.

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  6. Add PEGy to the SSGPlus

    Add the value for PEGy as PEGy = PE ratio / (Projected Earnings Growth + Dividend Yield) to account for companies that pay dividends.

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  7. Create SSGPlus 'Non-Study' view

    This would be a pared-down view by removing the judgment-related components but also generally retaining the overall layout. Also, perhaps some of the data or components could be compressed into more of a dashboard-like style. For example, the Analyze Growth tab could stay the same but the judgment components would be hidden and sections 4 and 5 of the Valuation tab could be replaced with a dashboard. The added benefit of this is it could aid the members who do quick, high-level research by scanning for companies to invest in.

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  8. Computerize The Stock Challenge Tree

    BI has a hard copy of The Stock Challenge Tree. Toolkit has or had an excellent computerized version.

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  9. Payout ratio

    Include payout ratios based on free cash flow and EPS, as advised by the January 2020 speaker

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  10. Add quarterly data to book values for banks.

    Otherwise we are working with old Q data for book value and current Q data for the other info. We can go to the banks reports for this info but since Mstar likely already has it in their data banks they should be able to add it and save us the extra work.

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  11. 32 votes

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  12. Auto-update prices in a portfolio or the whole account

    Add a feature that keeps the studies in a portfolio up-to-date with price updates. This would be a setting. Once set, would the system update the studies daily without user intervention.

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  13. Save state of legend lines with the SSG study

    Save the state of the legend lines in SSGPlus so that if the study is copied or shared then the end user sees the same view.

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  14. Lock Company Quality Source and Rating:

    Provide a Lock for Company Quality Source and Rating to provent update changing your input.

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  15. Notes Default:

    Change the filter for Notes to only My Notes/My Community Notes is automatically checked as on.

    For Staff Notes and Community Notes - the user must check the box to see them.

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  16. Add a separate "My First Cut" tab formatted with First Cut questions that can be shared along with an SSG

    The SSG is a multiple choice, fill in the blank form without explanations. The First Cut provides supportive information on your rational - an essay to support your selections in the SSG. This tab would not need to have repetitive information like the header info of the current FC but offer an opportunity for explaining the "why" questions supporting SSG decisions. Sharing this with clubs along with your SSG would help them understand your judgments.

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  17. Add Defense and Offense Reports

    TK 6 had the Defense and Offense Reports. My new club is using SSG Plus, and I am greatly missing those D&O reports. Defense used to be particularly helpful in keeping us honest on our chartings, as it showed how earnings etc did vs. how we charted - could see trends for over optimisim by some of us etc.

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  18. Add labels 'R','S','T' to quarterly data columns

    Add letter labels to the columns to make it easier to direct people's attention to the proper column.

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  19. Allow outliers in quarterly trend graph

    Using INGN as an example, it had the 3/15 quarter with 3000% EPS growth. Changing to Last 5 years, did not impact graph. Limit growth to 50% jshowed sales trend better but most of EPS cut off as it was above 50%. Current graph options are pretty meaningless for this stock. Having ability to quickly exclude that quarter would be helpful.

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  20. Adding to the Notes section of SSG

    would like to use snipping tool or directing paste in a excel or work table into the notes. I like to show what other analyst are estimating and caption that info in a spreadsheet. Any possible way to do this

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