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254 results found

  1. Current Assets vs. Current Liabilities

    Are you able to include the CA vs CL ratios to the Ratios Tab?

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  2. When data is changed, keep that data Highlighted

    When I unlock and change quarterly, or annual data, keep that data cell highlighted so it can be easily identified when reviewing the data later on.

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  3. Adding to the Notes section of SSG

    would like to use snipping tool or directing paste in a excel or work table into the notes. I like to show what other analyst are estimating and caption that info in a spreadsheet. Any possible way to do this

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  4. Add revenue ranges to the Size Diversification Report

    The current size definitions for small, medium, and large companies are not easily located. Add a legend to the Size Diversification Report that explains the revenue range for each size.

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  5. Enhance the Notes Table in SSG Plus to show the notes with new-lines and spacing as formatted when entered.

    One issue I have with the site is that the notes are very hard to read. Would it be possible for you to add some code that provided the same "new-line" and "space" formatting as was entered in the table of notes in SSG?
    (Please note that I realize that the note is displayed correctly in the pop-up box if I click on the note in the table)

    Here is an example of what I am talking about. I would prefer that notes in the notes table appeared as I entered the note.

    Here is how the text appears in…

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  6. Add a projected sales growth column to the SSGPlus PERT

    It would be helpful to have a new column for projected sales growth in the PERT. This would make it easier to compare the last reported quarter's "Sales % Change" column against each company's projected sales growth rate (as entered on the SSG). The PERT already has this capability for actual quarterly YOY and forecasted EPS growth rates.

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  7. Adjust width and/or delete rows & columns

    The ability for these suggestions would add immense capability to the Stock Screener.

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  8. Include (text) fields to explain (remind) the logic used in the calculations, e.g.: the forecasted EPS

    e.g: sales growth / high - low PE. The idea is to be able remember the reasoning, to see which inputs where taken into account, where they came from, what numbers were used, etc.

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  9. Allow the user to select either % high total return or % average total return for reports

    In the report summary allow the user to select either the compound total return using the high PE OR the CTR using the average PE.

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  10. List what quarter of the fiscal year is being reported beside the date.

    We would like to be able to complete our quarterly reports forms more easily from the OLT. One data point missing is the number of the quarter of the fiscal year being reported. (ex: Q4 6/30/17) Would also like to see projected relative value on the SCG. (Which is a great tool BTW.)

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  11. When entering a ticker for a study all studies with that ticker should be on top of the popup list

    After I input a ticker into the box, from quick navigation, all existing studies for that ticker should be displayed at the top of the drop down list. that way if there is an existing study I may want to utilize I can make that choice at that time.

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  12. Graphical Stock Comparisons

    Would be nice to be able compare two or more companies graphically for their stock performance for a given time horizon, say 1, 2, 3 or 5 years. (A picture is worth a thousand words).

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    Evaluating a company strictly on price performance is not the primary purpose of the tool and there are many sites that do this already. We suggest checking out the ‘Price Charts’ research links in the tool.

  13. Add a bulk add feature to create a portfolio

    Allow me to create a portfolio by clicking on existing studies. Ideally, I'd like to also be able to enter the number of shares in a tabular view instead of having to edit each stock in the portfolio.

    another bulk add idea would be to be able just list the ticker symbols and then add the judgment to each SSG in the portfolio

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  14. Show which companies have new data since my last data update.

    One helpful feature of Toolkit 6 is that it shows which companies have updated data since my last data update, i.e. companies that have had quarterly earnings releases. That indicates which companies I need to re-study. Otherwise, it is not evident which companies need re-study.

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  15. Pre-Defined Screens should use the same Criteria as manual entry

    The pre-defined screens use different Criteria that the manual entry for example pre-defined screens use 10 yr Growth numbers for Sales and Earnings and use >10% which is not an option in the drop-down search criteria. Also search criteria use 'EPS R2 5 year greater than 0.9'. Not sure what the cryptic R2 refers to and should be removed and 0.9 and ranges as used in the pre-defined screens dont exist in the manual search. May I suggest that all pre-defined searched use the same search criteria as the user can select to allow a user to enter similar searches…

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  16. Allow user to expand the active window both vertically and horizontally.

    Being able to change the vertical and horizontal limits myself and to fit the parameters per my computer setup, would be a big help. Under "My Studies" you cannot see all the columns at the same time.

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  17. Add the 3 Morningstar grades from the Search Criteria to the SSG

    The Morningstar fields from the Search Criteria are helpful, and would be even more useful if they can be reflected on the SSG...perhaps in the company info, or on the right side or as a pop-up window.

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  18. Date stamp for SSG study date/update.

    Add a date stamp to portfolio display that shows when I last updated an SSG study, i.e. change judgement, so that I know how old my study is. The current Modified Date changes with price and data updates and does not reflect when I last studied the SSG.

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  19. Add a Stock Wish List - A list of Stocks to look further into

    It would be great to:
    0) Create a further review stock list
    1) That list could be a portfolio but stocks in a portfolios require that an SSG has been done. Perhaps The Wish List is better in another new list.
    2) Have a check box in the search tool to add a stock to the further review list.
    3) Enter a table of stocks (from a comma separated text list) that have been found outside of the SSG into the further review list
    4) Add a quick preview Data for like one in the stock screen search list.


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  20. Create a One Click method to export .SSG , .ITK .PDF files directly to OCA's FILE STORAGE.

    Create a One Click method to export .SSG , .ITK .PDF files directly to OCA's FILE STORAGE.

    this would eliminate the 2 step process of first exporting to download folder, then opening OCA to 'upload'.
    This would be a similar process to the webinar registration's "one click' method to add a webinar to your calendar.

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