Stock Selection Guide Tools
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Submit and Vote on Ideas for SSGPlus, CoreSSG and Stock Comparison Guide Apps
262 results found
Enhance the Notes Table in SSG Plus to show the notes with new-lines and spacing as formatted when entered.
One issue I have with the site is that the notes are very hard to read. Would it be possible for you to add some code that provided the same "new-line" and "space" formatting as was entered in the table of notes in SSG?
(Please note that I realize that the note is displayed correctly in the pop-up box if I click on the note in the table)Here is an example of what I am talking about. I would prefer that notes in the notes table appeared as I entered the note.
Here is how the text appears in…
5 votes -
FFO Data for REITs
REITs (not for clubs, but of interest to individual investors) generally use Funds from Operations (FFO) instead of EPS. Is there any chance of changing the data feed for REITs?
10 votes -
5 votes
Current Assets vs. Current Liabilities
Are you able to include the CA vs CL ratios to the Ratios Tab?
4 votes -
Add multiple 'User Defined' fields/rows to the the Stock Comparison Guide
Allow the user to define a new row in the SCG where they would add a user defined title for the field and then for each company/SSG would have the ability to add text for that field.
The user would then be able to highlight the cell for the information/metrics that are preferable and the cell highlighting would be included in the sum of all highlights at the top of the SCG page.
The example here would be some industry specific metric or financial ratio that is important for the company or industry.0 votes -
Have only one ticker input field for all studies, like in Toolkit.
It would be simpler to have only one field for ticker input, that would either pull up all studies in database with that ticker, or allow data input for a new study, as is done in Toolkit. If we are in a portfolio and want to look at a stock that is in the database but not in this portfolio, it is now necessary to go back to "all portfolios" to find the study. The current design is very unwieldy, and an unnecessary inconvenience.
5 votes -
Add a projected sales growth column to the SSGPlus PERT
It would be helpful to have a new column for projected sales growth in the PERT. This would make it easier to compare the last reported quarter's "Sales % Change" column against each company's projected sales growth rate (as entered on the SSG). The PERT already has this capability for actual quarterly YOY and forecasted EPS growth rates.
7 votes -
Ticker HeatMap - One for each size of company
To supplement the "Small Company" pre-defined screen, it would be nice to have heat-map option to have a separate heat map for each company size -- Large, Medium and Small. Would still like the overall for all studies.
7 votes -
Adjust width and/or delete rows & columns
The ability for these suggestions would add immense capability to the Stock Screener.
3 votes -
Add "Freeze Header Pane" on Pert Report in online tool
Please freeze/lock the column titles on the Pert Report so that it makes it easy not to lose place when scrolling up/down and left-to-right through the companies. Company names are locked on left hand side of sheet; Please lock upper column titles. Thank you.
55 votesThis item would require a 100% rewrite of the report’s front-end user interface, given the width of the report.
Include (text) fields to explain (remind) the logic used in the calculations, e.g.: the forecasted EPS
e.g: sales growth / high - low PE. The idea is to be able remember the reasoning, to see which inputs where taken into account, where they came from, what numbers were used, etc.
4 votes -
Enable Quarterly Data Charting:
Make better use of the “Quarterly Data” tab. I use it regularly, but it is difficult to spot trends in the data without charting it. Being able to download it into Excel would suit my personal needs. Being able to select the data you want to chart and then click a button and have the chart appear would be great. The ultimate would be to be able to do both.
1 vote -
Refresh Buttons: Difference between "Refreshing All Studies/Portfolios" and "Refreshing Individual Studies"
When the user Refreshes "All Studies" or "Portfolios", locked data is not touched.
However, when the user Refreshes "Individual Studies" there are two "Overwrite" options and one "Create A Copy" button.
Is it correct to assume that "Overwrite" means Overwrite....including eliminating/overwriting the Locked data?
And, when choosing the "Create a Copy", doesn't that also overwrite locked data, update the data.... and create a copy?
Also: Date Modified column: Gives the date that the user Refreshed either the price or price and data. How can the user tell which companies fundamental data were refreshed? Not all companies release quarterly data on…
1 vote -
dividend growth
will be a good idea to see dividend growth since div+growth is in foundation of NAIC ideology. Personally, I like to see low div yield next to high div yield.
3 votes -
Show portfolio(s) for individual stocks
Add the ability to select a stock and then show the portfolios that stock belongs to and the number of shares.
3 votes -
Pop-Up window showing math calculation when moving cursor over a particular field.
Although there is a separate pdf showing the math calculations used behind the scenes in an SSG, a simple pop-up reflecting the math would be faster and more efficient.
1 vote -
Summary of Potential Return
Expand the Summary of Potential Return and Total return to include an automatic comparison to the member sentiment results.
3 votes -
PERT mouse-over popups
On the PERT report use mouse-over popup help text to describe each column header and it's derivation eg when mousing over 'Proj RV' - popup 'Projected Relative Value = Proj PE / Avg PE (Projected)'
On PERT report, when hovering over a colored cell use popup help text to describe the condition that triggered the colorization event.
4 votes -
Allow the user to select either % high total return or % average total return for reports
In the report summary allow the user to select either the compound total return using the high PE OR the CTR using the average PE.
13 votes -
When entering a ticker for a study all studies with that ticker should be on top of the popup list
After I input a ticker into the box, from quick navigation, all existing studies for that ticker should be displayed at the top of the drop down list. that way if there is an existing study I may want to utilize I can make that choice at that time.
4 votes
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