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253 results found

  1. Change Order of Research Link

    Personalize the Order of the Research links, e.g. put your favorites at the top.

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  2. Weight the Heat Map studies

    To make the chart more relevant to the present, consider weighting the studies with more emphasis on the most recent past.

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  3. Add a feature to store frequent email recipients for use when emailing a study

    Add the ability to store club members email addresses in the recipients box in the email study feature so we wouldn't have to reenter them each time we send a study.

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  4. Add a box for annual financial info with a % change box adjacent

    Add a box for annual financial info with a % change box adjacent, or incorporate annual finances in quarterly finances by highlighting & also using % changes

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  5. I would like to have a manual for SSG Plus

    I would like to have a manual for SSG Plus

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  6. outliner in section 3 column d and e - Price Earning Ratio outliners. Its looks like a blank cell.

    Outliner on section 3 columns
    D and E Price Earning Ratio.
    In Adobe Reader, you can see a faint number in the cell if it is a outliner, but when you print, it looks like a blank cell. I looked again in bright sunlight and I can see then it was not a blank cell. I think the color need to be 1 or 2 shades of gray brighter, or can we have a outliner line across the cell with the P/E data. It took extra time to go back to find the number during our club discussion.

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  7. Section 4b ..selection option of a, or b, or c, or d....can the selection be highlighted or bold?

    Currently when I selected option d ( Price Dividend Support) as the low price. Is there someway to highlight the selection or grayout the others?

    also, unable to change selection 4A, when we tried to change the high earnings shares (i.e, typed in $6.50 and clicked on update study....the entry changes to $6.40)....calculation error???

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  8. Enter Share growth as an annual growth rate in preferred procedure

    Entering Shares Outstanding in the Preferred Procedure would be better if I could enter an annual growth rate instead of having to manually calculate 5 years of growing shares. Additionally, it would be nice if the Shares Outstanding growth rate was calculated instead of just displaying the share count.

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  9. Include more data on Stock Comparison Guide Report

    Replace many of the P/E lines with the ratios that are currently choices in the user choice lines. Add a return on capital ratio.

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  10. Show the trend indicators (UP/DOWN/EVEN) on the printed PDF report

    Show the 'Evaluate Management' (quality) trend indicators on the printed PDF report.

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  11. Add the ability to import portfolio data from Folio Investing portfolios

    For those of us who use Folio Investing as a brokerage, having the ability to import portfolio data (portfolio name, security info, number of shares) would provide a convenient way to keep data between the BI Online Tools and Folio in sync and eliminate manual input of data.

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  12. Allow outliers to be chosen in the Peer graph display

    Allowing outliers to be selected in the peer graph display will allow the graph to rescale based on displayed data and will recalculate the growth rates/averages that are displayed.

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  13. Incorporate/Integrate Stock Research Form into SSG so judgments,and date automatically transfer

    Incorporate /integrate Stock Research From with SSG so that the Stock Research Form is automatically populated by judgments you make on the SSG. This would be similar to what happens in Turbo Tax Software's Step-By-Step Program feature. It asks you questions and based on your answer the 1040 Form is filled in. For example, the highest /lowest and average PEs could easily be transferred to the Form after that judgment is made.

    I am raising this because i find it cumbersome and inefficient to be switching back and forth between the SSG(internet) and the Stock Research Form(offline word document). If…

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  14. Enable the TK6 library feature

    It's very handy to be able to switch to another library. I have one called "junk" where I don't worry about creating quality SSGs. I have two others for my club and my personal SSGs. I can do TK challenges on the last two without worrying so much about corrupting my results. If I get another vote, I'll vote to add the challenger.

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  15. Match target return to company size automatically and also provide a way to override the values.

    Instead of using a 15% target return for every stock, reduce the target return to the level appropriate to the company size. A medium size company would have a target return of 12%, etc. This might help newbies realize that 15% growth is not necessarily realistic for large companies. Also, could help get users looking at the return of their entire porfolio.

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  16. Add ability to assign stock study to a portfolio and add # shares etc while in study mode.

    Annoying to hjave to go into file manager to assign stock study to portfolio. Should have multiple access points within program to add this info.

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  17. Be able to set target buy price based on PAR in addition to TR

    Add to existing "SSG Results Summary", just above the "Closing Price" line, a section that computes "Buy price to satisfy US/DS of 3 to 1 and <variable target return that can be entered> on projected average return.

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  18. Be able to set variable target rate of return (based on company's revenues).

    Right now SSGplus hardwired to 15% for all size companies (see "SSG Results Summary".

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  19. Be able to select PVQ as the low price

    Show the Price Variant Quotient (PVQ) as a select-able option for the Low Price i section 4. Presently an often used feature in Toolkit.

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  20. Add the capability to be alerted/emailed when prices are updated and the SSG moves into/out of a Buy/Sell zone.

    Add the capability to be alerted/emailed when stock represented by the saved SSG moves into/out of a Buy/Sell zone based on current price. (not the price within the study).

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