Stock Selection Guide Tools
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Submit and Vote on Ideas for SSGPlus, CoreSSG and Stock Comparison Guide Apps
262 results found
Allow printing of the Search Results
There should be a way to print the search results to make it easier to research all the companies. It is frustrating to have to enter the criteria multiple times, or print the companies 10 companies at a time.
7 votes -
Include in SSGPlus report printout the info that is on the page 2 screen on target price that meets both MARR = 15% and USD 3.0:1
Good addition to the SSG, needs to be on the printout. Currently I have to cut/paste into notes.
7 votes -
Member Sentiment: Add a PROJECTION STARTING POINT Column
This is especially important when projecting judgments when the most recent EPSs have dropped considerably. If using the quarterly projection the judgment EPS will be high. If using the trend, the judgment is usually more reasonable.
7 votes -
Print Peer Data
Could you add a print option for the peer graphs? I tried to print the screen but the output showed the graph printed over the SSG so it was unreadable. A printout of some of the peer graphs would be very useful at club meetings.
7 votes -
Save state of legend lines with the SSG study
Save the state of the legend lines in SSGPlus so that if the study is copied or shared then the end user sees the same view.
7 votes -
Date stamp for SSG study date/update.
Add a date stamp to portfolio display that shows when I last updated an SSG study, i.e. change judgement, so that I know how old my study is. The current Modified Date changes with price and data updates and does not reflect when I last studied the SSG.
6 votes -
Add a bulk add feature to create a portfolio
Allow me to create a portfolio by clicking on existing studies. Ideally, I'd like to also be able to enter the number of shares in a tabular view instead of having to edit each stock in the portfolio.
another bulk add idea would be to be able just list the ticker symbols and then add the judgment to each SSG in the portfolio
6 votes -
Open to New Tabs when clicking the report button of a portfolio and when selecting a stock in the portfolio report
Open to New Tabs when clicking the report button of a portfolio to display a second portfolio report and/or when selecting a stock in the portfolio report. Currently in replaces the portfolio report view and one has to navigate back to the file manager to reopen the original portfolio report.
6 votes -
Show Core SSG Pre - Tax Profit
Add pre-tax profit as option to display on Analyze Growth, step 3: Historical Stock Price review.
6 votes -
Report Request: Add Buy price to satisfy US/DS
Report Request: I’d like to request that you add the following SSG stock report value to your existing SSG Report:
Buy price to satisfy US/DS of
3 to 1 and 15% total return:Currently I manually enter this value into the same spreadsheet that I import the available report.
6 votes -
Filter-Out Stock Screener Results
In stock screener results,
One thing i would like is if we could have ability to filter out (i.e. remove say a particular industry, instead of filtering only for a particular industry)6 votes -
Add ability to input prior quarter or year when data is missing from data feed.
1st Quarter of 2016 data for Flowers Foods is missing. I have contacted both BI (June 6) and Morningstar (June 22, July 31, and August 16) to have the data added. It is still not in the data feed and I cannot add a prior quarter of data to the SSG manually to include the missing data.
6 votes -
Add to portfolio tools the Portfolio Report Card similar to TK6's report
To properly perform portfolio management analysis we need to get portfolio level statistics on TR, PAR, U/D and RV. With that data we can compare individual holds to see which ones are leading the portfolio and which ones are dragging it down. Without the capability the serious portfolio analyst must create a separate spreadsheet, add the company SSG data then aggregate for the portfolio at large.
6 votes -
Save prior selected number of entry rows to show vice default 10 rows
Very annoying to specify a different number of rows to display each time file listing opened. Make this one of the preference default options or have the computer remember my last selected option.
6 votes -
Auto-update prices in a portfolio or the whole account
Add a feature that keeps the studies in a portfolio up-to-date with price updates. This would be a setting. Once set, would the system update the studies daily without user intervention.
6 votes -
Allow selection of multiple portfolios for viewing asset allocation
Allow selection of multiple portfolios for viewing diversification
6 votes -
All Studies Reports Function
I would like a Reports Function (icon) to be added to the "All Studies" list.
I use "All Studies" as my Watch List. Instead of creating a Watch List and adding each new stock from my "All Studies" list, I would like to select the reports function (icon) to display all reports on these stocks.
6 votes -
Display all prices with two (2) decimal points
The hi and low prices on side #2 take only one digit. Shares are traded in penney's. Price should provide two digits.
6 votes -
Ability to create a new porfolio based upon results of stock search
I used the search tool to look for Communication Services companies - it would be nice to be able to create a new portfolio of the companies I found by importing into a new portfolio and then work on refining the SSGs once I get them into the new portfolio
6 votes -
Display Pre-Tax Profit on CoreSSG
Please add the PTP Chart and Line on the CoreSSG. This is fundamental information that helps us determine whether a company is growing.
The chart should be added between Step 1: Historical Sales and Step 2: Historical Earnings Per Share.
Then, the PTP Line could be displayed on the Historical Stock Price Review.
See attached File.
6 votes
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